Roman Enduring Impacts

There are many ways that the Ancient Romans impacted how we live today. One example is Roman architecture. Rome stole most of its ideas from the Greeks, like their columns and porches. But, the Romans also got brand-new ideas from the Greeks. The Romans invented achres, domes, and cement (a mixture of ash, lime and water, making a strong builing resource). The Romans used arches for builings, bridges, and aquaducts.
Another example of a Roman Enduring Impacts is their art. The Romans had an influence for their art from Greek art. While Greek statues were supposed to be perfect, the Romans made their statues with flaws, like adding wrinkles and scars.
Roman Government is another example of a Roman Enduring Impact. Yet, again, this Roman aspect was based on Greek Government. It was a Direct vs. and Indirect Democracy.
One more Roman Enduring Impact is Roman Warfare. The Romans created a new battle system, the Human Tank. Most of the soldiers formed into a square, with their shields faceing away from them for protection. They also put their shields facing upwards to protect themselves from ariel attacks.
Another example of a Roman Enduring Impacts is their art. The Romans had an influence for their art from Greek art. While Greek statues were supposed to be perfect, the Romans made their statues with flaws, like adding wrinkles and scars.
Roman Government is another example of a Roman Enduring Impact. Yet, again, this Roman aspect was based on Greek Government. It was a Direct vs. and Indirect Democracy.
One more Roman Enduring Impact is Roman Warfare. The Romans created a new battle system, the Human Tank. Most of the soldiers formed into a square, with their shields faceing away from them for protection. They also put their shields facing upwards to protect themselves from ariel attacks.